Owners & Renters Party
We alone protect owners and renters
The Property Owners & Renters Party was founded by Kevin Young, described by the media as a "property guru". With over 50 years of property experience behind him, Kevin Young, founder of the nationwide Property Club, has owned hundreds of investment properties and has helped thousands of renters buy their own property.
Our purpose is to provide a strong and united voice for property owners and renters throughout Australia. We about fairness, about justice, about equality. We are about making sure that Government, big banks, Government instrumentalities and Government owned corporations do not continue to target property owners and renters as taxation milking cows and political footballs. We are about making and influencing policy that will end the long list of Government taxes and changes on property that can not be justified.
Do you think Property Prices Are a Mess?
then you need us to effect change. If you want to see property prices more affordable, then you need us to make it happen.   
  • ​Since 2012, GST income has risen 17% but property taxes & fees are up 42%!
  • Let's stop Government greed!
  • ​Government greed forcing up prices & rents.
  • ​Keating reversed his removal of tax credits on cheaper rentals, this government NEEDS to do the same URGENTLY
  • ​The housing crisis was made by Scott Morrison doing a Keating.
  • ​The housing crises can only be fixed by doing a Keating backflip too.
We offer property owners and renters:
An opportunity for their voices to be heard in Government decision making forums at all levels. From the corridors in Canberra to State and Local Governments that have enjoyed huge revenue flows from the GST but have still run up massive deficits, Federal, State, Territory and local Governments have lost the trust of property owners and renters. We aim to restore that trust by demanding that our proposed Party – the voice of 15 million Australians -- be heard.
Tired of seeing property owners and renters being poorly treated by banks and Governments, millionaire property king, Keving Young, is fighting back by creating a new political party" writes Des Houghton, The Courier Mail newspaper. September 2022. 

Our proposed party plans to stand candidates in Federal, State and local authorities elections; 
  • We plan on correcting the mess created by the Reserve Bank of Australia!
  • Let's join together to make owning and renting more affordable in Australia
  • Homeownership in Australia is becoming less affordable for hard-working Australians! 
  • ​We need your support - register as a member of our party and help create the change needed for owners and renters

Property Owners & Renters Party Policies

  • Reverse the attacks on negative gearing from the 2016 budget
  • Reintroduce property inspections tax benefits for investors
  • ​Remove stamp duty as promised with the introduction of the GST
  • ​Stamp duty is an increasing tax which rises with property prices
  • ​Remove the council’s ability to charge higher rates and levies on rental properties
  • ​Remove the new bank imposed levy which is crippling investors
  • ​The Treasury is to incentivise investors and first home buyers back in the property market
  • ​Change government incentives to include investment properties
  • ​Bring equality to first homeowners and first time investors
  • ​Introduce a moratorium on Government building taxes to improve the cost of ownership for Australians
  • ​Remove the restrictions on Interest Only lending for investors
  • ​Ease the rental crisis by increasing the number of landlords and investment properties
  • ​Remove age discrimination for loan applications with an asset lending policy
  • ​Work to achieve balance of power in the upper house

"Tired of seeing property owners and renters being poorly treated by banks and Governments, millionaire property king, Keving Young, is fighting back by creating a new political party" writes Des Houghton, The Courier Mail newspaper. September 2022. Click here to read the fill article

Join the campaign to stay informed
We will stand for property owners and renters who for years have been used by the government as a source of inequitable, unfair and blatant taxation revenue.

We are forming the proposed Owners & Renters party - we need you to right the wrongs - become a founding party member
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Written and authorised, Kevin Young on behalf of the proposed Owners & Renters Party, Labrador, Queensland
Disclaimer: The Owners & Renters Party is not a registered political party as yet, but the Party registration process is underway, for submission to the Australian Electorial Commission.